March 20th, 2023
by Morgan Mitchell
by Morgan Mitchell
Do we believe God is all powerful? That He can do what He says He will do? Then why do we limit Him all the time? Why are we so narrow-minded towards Him?
We like to think we've got God all figured out. We label Him with words like just, merciful, loving. But those words come with our interpretations. “God would never send people to Hell.” “God can't help that person.” “God would never work in something like that.” Really? Who are we to put any kind of statement on God like that? We have no idea what He's thinking. We have no clue how He will act. “'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8.)
God does the unpredictable all the time. His Son grew up in Nazareth, a town with a questionable reputation. He sent Saul/Paul, a man who persecuted the church, to be the greatest missionary ever and author of almost half of the New Testament. He appointed a shepherd boy to be king over Israel. Of course, we can't limit God's power, but we limit Him in our minds and refuse to expand our perspective on Him. It's more comfortable to think we've got God figured out, under control, and predictable. But when we compact God, we become arrogant and a know-it-all, because we think we have Him figured out and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong. But when we come in contact with the mysterious, uncontainable God, we're awed and humbled to the point of worship.
How does that impact us? Is there real danger with this mindset? Yes, it effects us negatively. When we diminish God and condense Him and the time comes when we need Him and His power, we doubt that He's able to do anything or keep His promises. It bleeds over to our beliefs and faith.
When we come in contact with the mysterious, uncontainable God, we're awed and humbled to the point of worship. One way to combat the limiting mindset and interact with the unpredictable Lord is through meditating and dwelling on Scripture. Digest a couple passages in Psalm or the last few chapters in Job and you'll soon realize the glorious nature of God.
Job really had the proper perspective on God. “'I know that You can do all things, and that no plan is impossible for You. … Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I do not know.'” (Job 42: 2-3.) He didn't come to that conclusion until God appeared to him in a whirlwind and realized how small he was compared to his Lord. It's the same with us today. It's not until we take the time to throw away our expectations and view points to get to know God as He really is that we fully comprehend El Shaddai, God Almighty.
We like to think we've got God all figured out. We label Him with words like just, merciful, loving. But those words come with our interpretations. “God would never send people to Hell.” “God can't help that person.” “God would never work in something like that.” Really? Who are we to put any kind of statement on God like that? We have no idea what He's thinking. We have no clue how He will act. “'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8.)
God does the unpredictable all the time. His Son grew up in Nazareth, a town with a questionable reputation. He sent Saul/Paul, a man who persecuted the church, to be the greatest missionary ever and author of almost half of the New Testament. He appointed a shepherd boy to be king over Israel. Of course, we can't limit God's power, but we limit Him in our minds and refuse to expand our perspective on Him. It's more comfortable to think we've got God figured out, under control, and predictable. But when we compact God, we become arrogant and a know-it-all, because we think we have Him figured out and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong. But when we come in contact with the mysterious, uncontainable God, we're awed and humbled to the point of worship.
How does that impact us? Is there real danger with this mindset? Yes, it effects us negatively. When we diminish God and condense Him and the time comes when we need Him and His power, we doubt that He's able to do anything or keep His promises. It bleeds over to our beliefs and faith.
When we come in contact with the mysterious, uncontainable God, we're awed and humbled to the point of worship. One way to combat the limiting mindset and interact with the unpredictable Lord is through meditating and dwelling on Scripture. Digest a couple passages in Psalm or the last few chapters in Job and you'll soon realize the glorious nature of God.
Job really had the proper perspective on God. “'I know that You can do all things, and that no plan is impossible for You. … Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I do not know.'” (Job 42: 2-3.) He didn't come to that conclusion until God appeared to him in a whirlwind and realized how small he was compared to his Lord. It's the same with us today. It's not until we take the time to throw away our expectations and view points to get to know God as He really is that we fully comprehend El Shaddai, God Almighty.
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